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Коллекция: «Документы и публикации в Цифровой Библиотеке» (publications)

Раздел: 15. Монографии. Подраздел: 1. Переводная монография.

[all]   The TeXbook
Knuth Donald Ervin

ISBN: 0-201-13447-0


This manual describes TEX Version 3.0. Some of the advanced features mentioned here are absent from earlier versions.

Описание документа:

This is a handbook about TEX a new typesetting system intended for the creation of beautiful books-and especially for books that contain a lot of mathematics By preparing a manuscript in TEX format you will be telling a computer exactly how the manuscript is to be transformed into pages whose typographic quality is comparable to that of the world s finest printers yet you won t need to do much more work than would be involved if you were simply typing the manuscript on an ordinary typewriter In fact your total work will probably be significantly less if you consider the time it ordinarily takes to revise a typewritten manuscript since computer text files are so easy to change and to reprocess If such claims sound too good to be true keep in mind that they were made by TEX s designer on a day when TEX happened to be working so the statements may be biased but read on anyway.

How to Cite:
Donald Ervin Knuth, The TeXbook / Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. - 1991. - ISBN 0-201-13447-0.
Full Text (File size 3.143675 Mb)

Key terms of publication:  tex;   издательские системы;

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Кнут Дональд
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